Practical info

Participant info and materials

Download Concept-Description

Download Guidelines for the solution

For more detailed information about the days see Participants info.

Who can participate?

Everyone is welcome, with or without experience in hackathons or energy data. We welcome people with backgrounds in for example: anthropology, literature, communication, design.

You don’t have to be a programmer to participate. A hackathon is just as much about concept development, idea generation and development of business cases.


It is free to participate and the whole weekend will be fully catered from Meyers kantina. Therefore if you, without cancellation, don’t show up for the weekend, you will be charged 500dkk. Please contact us if you need to cancel your participation –


ENIGMA – Museum for post, tele og kommunikation, Øster Alle 1,  2100 København Ø.

We cannot provide accommodation, but there are hotels and hostels within a short distance of the hackathon.